Sunday, May 22, 2011

Video: Obama Doubles Down on 1967 Borders Comment, Licks Wounds

While speaking at AIPAC one day after he got a spanking in the Oval Office from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about his comments regarding Israel returning to the 1967 borders, Obama decided to fire back at Netanyahu. Indignant, Obama re-read the same comments that were so inflammatory on Thursday. He did so while claiming that he didn't veer off the path of what has long been U.S. policy with respect to Israel. Even if he's technically correct, his calculated ambiguity and timing is what hurt him. Both were calculated. Otherwise, Netanyahu wouldn't have objected so much.

As I said on my radio show this morning, Obama used Alinsky Rule #3 on Thursday, which says:
"Go outside the experience of your opponent. It will cause confusion, fear and retreat."
No Israeli Prime Minister had experienced a U.S. President invoke 1967 borders in the way Obama did, just one day before a White House visit. If Obama was relying on his hero's Rule #3 working on Netanyahu, it backfired in a big way and this video is proof; watch Obama lick his wounds.

h/t the Blaze

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