Sunday, May 22, 2011

Shocker: Islamist Convicted of Threatening South Park Creators an Obama Campaign Worker

Remember when South Park portrayed Islam's Muhammad by dressing him in a bear outfit so you couldn't see him? After all, they did honor the wishes of the Islamists not to show a picture of their prophet. It wasn't good enough for a Jihadist named Zachary Chesser, who threatened Matt Stone and Trey Parker - the creators of South Park. Chesser was sentenced to 25 years in prison for threatening the pair. The kicker has to do with what the would-be Jihadist did with his time back in 2008. He campaigned for Barack Obama.

Via The Smoking Gun:
In U.S. District Court filings, Chesser’s lawyer and family members described him as a passionate young man whose interests pinballed from subject to subject (sports, Japanese anime, break dancing, heavy metal, Buddhism, Islam) and often turned on a dime. His attorney reported that despite Chesser’s “increasing devotion to a rigid form of Islam,” he “volunteered to campaign in the 2008 presidential election.” However, “by the time the election came on November 4, 2008, Mr. Chesser had become convinced it would be a violation of Islamic law to vote.”

In a character letter, Chesser’s stepmother recalled him “ranting about how the Koran says he can’t support Obama even though he had signed up to help with the campaign."

Chesser apologized in a “Statement of Responsibility” for the “harm and pain I have caused,” noting that he was “ashamed and bewildered that I was capable of doing it.” Chesser added that, “I have always been a pacificist” and “The jihadi ideology I was drawn into was contrary to everything I had grown up thinking and believing.”
Is it me or did Chesser admit that Islam is violent?

Interesting that this comes on the heels of Obama's flap over comments perceived as anti-Israel this week.

h/t GWP

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