Thursday, May 12, 2011

Video: Would be Flag-Burner has to be Protected by Police

LSU student Benjamin Haas was on campus to burn an American flag in protest of another student being arrested for stealing a University flag. As he was preparing to burn the flag, he was literally surrounded by angry counter-protesters. Ultimately, Haas had to be escorted away by mounted police and he never burned the flag. At first blush, this seems like a victory for patriotic Americans and in some respects, it might be. The problem was the behavior of some in the crowd. Water bottles were thrown and obscenities were hurled.

Patriotism is a good thing and while this looked like a 1960's protest in reverse, the behavior on the part of the counter-protesters came dangerously close to mirroring behavior that should be reserved only for the left wing thugs. It is important to remember that the White House is occupied by a man who loves Saul Alinsky; Obama is recognized as the prized disciple and knows exactly what to do in these situations.
"The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength" - Saul Alinsky

Via The Blaze:

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