Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Downed Mexican Helicopter Tied to Project Gunrunner

Last week, it was reported that a Mexican military helicopter was forced to land when drug cartels fired on two of them. Sharyl Attkisson at CBS News is now reporting that the guns used in the incident have been tied back to the ATF's Operation Fast and Furious and Project Gunrunner programs. Now that it is indisputable that officials at the highest levels of the U.S. Government authorized placing these weapons into the hands of these cartels, this particular incident poses some very serious problems for whoever is individually responsible because firing on any aircraft is considered a 'terrorist act.'

Via CBS:
CBS News has learned that the recent case of a Mexican military helicopter forced to land after it was fired upon is linked to the ATF Fast and Furious "gunwalker" operation.

Drug cartel suspects on the ground shot at Mexican government helicopters two weeks ago in western Mexico, forcing one chopper to land. Authorities seized more than 70 assault rifles and other weapons from the suspects.

Among the seized weapons are guns sold to suspects as part of the ATF sting operation, sources say. That information came from traces of serial numbers.

Gunrunning scandal uncovered at the ATF

"Shooting at an aircraft is a terrorist act," says one U.S. law enforcement source. "What does that say if we're helping Mexican drug cartels engage in acts of terror? That's appalling if we could have stopped those guns."

The Department of Justice provided no information or comment when asked about the incident by CBS News.
CBS is also reporting that Darrell Issa's hearings on Project Gunrunner are scheduled to start on June 13th and ATF whistleblower / agent John Dodson is expected to be among the first to testify.

HERE is that report.

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