Tuesday, June 7, 2011

White House Plans to Blow Off Libya Resolution Passed by the House

The Barack Obama administration is apparently planning to completely thumb its nose at the House Resolution demanding answers on its actions in Libya. It's really very simple. The War Powers Act of 1973 mandates that any president get congressional approval for any military operation after 60 days. That deadline passed weeks ago. This president is blowing off a law that was passed over Richard Nixon's veto and when House Speaker John Boehner gets a resolution passed that's already far too lightly worded, he's repaid by Obama telling him he's basically going to ignore it?

Via Washington Post:
The White House brushed off congressional demands for a detailed report outlining U.S. objectives in Libya, a move likely to stoke further anger on Capitol Hill over President Barack Obama’s decision not to seek lawmakers’ consent for the military operation.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said Monday that administration officials were already answering questions about Libya in briefings on Capitol Hill. A House resolution calling on Obama to provide more detailed answers was “unhelpful,” Carney added, suggesting that the administration has no plans to formally respond within the 14-day window outlined in the measure.
Perhaps we're learning why Obama has invited Boehner to play golf one day after the deadline issued in the resolution. Boehner is either a willing participant or he's being played like a drum.

"Nice golf shot, John. Man, you're good at this. Now how about you forget about that Libya thing?"

h/t Weasel Zippers

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