Monday, June 27, 2011

How Sick is Hugo?

Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez is known to be sick in the head but how sick is he in the hip? Apparently, the communist leader of Venezuela has been in Cuba since June 10th for medical treatment. Here we are more than two weeks later and the one guy who seeks out cameras as much as - if not more than - Barack Obama has been conspicuously silent. His spokesmen seem to be a little defensive about the speculation, saying that Hugo is fine and will be back on the public stage by July 5th.

Via TVNZ, h/t JWF:
Senior allies of Venezuela's socialist President Hugo Chavez have dismissed reports he is sicker than the government has admitted, telling his enemies to "stop dreaming" of his death.

The normally verbose leader has not been seen in public since a June 10 operation in Cuba to remove a pelvic swelling. His long absence has prompted widespread speculation he may be seriously ill, possibly being treated for prostate cancer.

Accusing opponents of cynically rejoicing at his health problems, government officials insist Chavez, 56, is fine and that he should be back for a regional summit planned for Venezuela's 200th anniversary of independence on July 5.

"President Chavez is recovering well from his surgery. His enemies should stop dreaming and his friends should stop worrying," Vice Foreign Minister Temir Porras said on the social networking site Twitter.

"The only thing that has metastasized is the cancer of the Miami Herald and the rest of the right-wing press."
Having lived in South Florida for many years, I can attest that while the Miami Herald is many things, 'right wing' is certainly not one of them - not even close.

More at JWF

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