Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Video: Fired ATF Agent Vince Cefalu Explains Scandal and Termination

Agent Vince Cefalu was terminated from the ATF very shortly after Issa sent a letter to ATF Deputy Director William Hoover, warning him about reprisals against any agents who testified against the agency. With Acting Director Kenneth Melson still heading the agency, Cefalu's termination becomes all the more ironic as he has been among the most outspoken critics of the ATF and the very scandalous Project Gunrunner / Operation Fast and Furious programs, in which countless people were killed due to a 'felony stupid' policy at the ATF.

Cefalu is the agent responsible for starting CleanupATF.org

HERE is a copy of the letter Issa sent to Hoover.

From Fox Business via Sipsey Street:

HERE is more on Cefalu's firing.

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