Monday, June 6, 2011

Shocking Claim: Eric Holder going to Federal Prison?

Sipsey Street - which has multiple contacts very close to the Project Gunrunner investigation - is reporting that one of his sources will be surprised if Attorney General Eric Holder doesn't end up in federal prison. Additionally, the hearings relative to the scandal that involves the ATF allowing guns to 'walk' into Mexico are going to happen in three phases, with the third phase being the most explosive. If true, that is an excellent strategy because it can build the drama necessary to sustain this story in the bizarre news cycle we've been in lately, where there's always some new distraction popping up.

Via Sipsey Street:
Phase I will be "the presentation of allegations and factual information, evidence, and intended direction of the continuing investigation." This will include documents already presented to Senaqtor Grassley and Congressman Issa by whistleblower ATF agents. Senator Grassley will be among the first witnesses before Issa’s panel. Family members of Project Gunwalker victims are expected to testify, as well as other witnesses with first-hand knowledge of the conspiracy whose knowledge runs from Arizona to DC.

Phase II, according to my sources, "will focus on Mexico issues with witnesses called who have first hand Mexico information."

Phase III will be when it really gets interesting, when all the big names in ATF and DOJ complicit in this scandal who have been uncovered in the previous two phases are called to explain themselves. One source characterized this as "the testimony of compromised participants to include the numerous ATF and DOJ employees with dirt, blood or both on their hands."
Here is the direct quote from one of Sipsey's sources that is beyond shocking:
"Eric Holder is toast. If he stays out of federal prison, I'll be surprised."
Holder has gotten away with far too much over the years. That may give him an air of invincibility but something tells me this time might be quite different.

More here.

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