Monday, June 6, 2011

Video: Darrell Issa to Hold Hearings this Summer on Project Gunrunner

It would appear that Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) is not backing down on the project gunrunner scandal. What should be very worrisome for the administration is the volume of evidence and information Issa's committee is gathering, not as a result of the subpoena Issa has issued to the ATF but agents and whistleblowers themselves who have come forward. This means that Holder and company don't know how much information Issa has. This will make lying even more difficult to get away with.

In this exchange with Fox's Shannon Bream, Issa says hearings will be this summer. Some have speculated this month. Something tells me - based on past history - that some big event will happen on the eve of these hearings and dominate the news. The last time Issa was on the tail of a potential scandal with this White House was with Rep. Joe Sestak, who admitted to being offered a job to drop out of the Senate race. Bill Clinton took the fall in a document dump on the Friday afternoon before Memorial Day. The Gaza flotilla dominated the news cycle beginning on Monday morning.

Gaza flotilla 2 is scheduled for June.

h/t Sipsey Street

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