Saturday, June 18, 2011

Two Fast and Furious Guns tied to Murder of High-Profile Mexican Lawyer

In October, a Mexican lawyer named Mario Gonzalez Rodriguez was kidnapped and tortured for several days before he was murdered and later found in a shallow grave. As was the case with murdered Border Patrol agent Brian Terry in December, two of the weapons used were guns that the ATF allowed to 'walk' into Mexico under Project Gunrunner's Fast and Furious operation. That's not all. Gonzalez was the brother of one of Mexico's former State Attorney Generals.

Via Fox News:
Two guns sold to a Mexican cartel and used in the high-profile kidnapping and murder of a Mexican lawyer last year were purchased under the U.S. Justice Department's failed anti-gun trafficking program Operation Fast and Furious, sources tell Fox News.

U.S. law enforcement sources and officials in Washington told Fox News that two AK-47s were purchased in Arizona by a straw buyer — someone who legally buys guns, then illegal sells them to a third party – and were allowed to “walk” into Mexico. Police recovered the guns in the course of their investigation of the kidnapping of Mario Gonzalez Rodriguez.

Gonzales, brother of the now former attorney general of Chihuahua, Patricia Gonzalez Rodriguez, was kidnapped in October. He was taken by six gunmen from the Sinaloa cartel and tortured extensively over two weeks.
Unfortunately, the only good that can come out of this - as in the case of Brian Terry's murder - is that justice is done to those responsible. To illustrate this, Felipe Calderon gave an interview to Univision just last month in which he doubled down on threats of lawsuits against U.S. gun dealers and manufacturers despite well-publicized evidence that the ATF and DOJ were the guilty parties.

In light of this most recent news, Calderon is going to have a difficult time continuing that narrative.

Click HERE for the video report.

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