Friday, June 17, 2011

Video: Louis Farrakhan says Obama is a co-opted 'Assassin'

To whet your appetite for this clip, understand that Muammar Gadhafi has been quite the gravy train for Louis Farrakhan over the years. Louis is a big fan and the logic (term used loosely) Farrakhan uses to conclude that Obama has 'become one of them' is based on a completely insane paradigm that says 'wicked Jews' run everything. When you start with that premise, you'll understand that Obama isn't responsible for bombing Libya; it's all those wicked Jews who run the White House that have co-opted Obama's mind, you see.

Perhaps someone should tell Louis to take a look at the Muslim Brotherhood?

Nah, he's on a roll.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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