Saturday, June 4, 2011

Video: Former Democrat Congresswoman Hearts Gadhafi

Though she's no longer a member of Congress, the fact that she ever sniffed the Capitol building is made all the more disturbing after watching this clip. Cynthia McKinney appeared in Libya to espouse the virtues of Muammar Gadhafi's 'Green Book,' which was allegedly based on Mao's little red book. Not only does she champion the Gadhafi manifesto but she wants it to be the foundation for government in the United States. Yes, Cynthia McKinney, who once swore an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution actually wants to replace it with Gadhafi's green book.

Notice, too, that McKinney drops the name of former Democratic Senator Mike Gravel, whom she spoke with upon her return from a previous trip to Libya when she first learned about the green book. Though Gravel is no longer in the Senate, this should call his allegiance to the Constitution into question as well. It's way past time to start finding out which elected politicians took that oath while crossing their fingers.

Here's McKinney in Libya earlier this month. Via The Blaze:

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