Saturday, June 4, 2011

Ruh Roh: 31 House Democrats Demand Obama Come Clean on Gunrunner

David Codrea at Gun Rights Examiner has been putting pressure on pro-second amendment Democrats to push for answers on the Project Gunrunner scandal and it may be paying off. In a letter to Barack Obama, Rep. Jason Altimire (D-PA), along with 30 of his Democrat colleagues, demanded that the Department of Justice cooperate with Congressional investigations. This is a development that should not be underestimated. The gunwalker scandal is not far from being broken wide open and when 31 Democrats begin demanding answers, it's a significant chunk out of the levee.

Here is what the letter says, in part via David Codrea:
We are writing to express our serious concerns about the Administration's response to investigations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' (ATF) "Project Gunrunner" and is offshoot known as "Fast and Furious."

Reports of the tactics used in this operation are extremely troubling. The ATF allegedly encouraged gun store owners to sell thousands of fireams to customers whom store employees considered suspicious. Our concerns were heightened with news that one of the firearms sold may have been used in the murder of a Border Patrol agent. These allegations call into question the judgment of the agents involved. It is equally troubling that the Department of Justice has delayed action and withheld information from Congressional inquiries.
There has been significant movement on this scandal since it was first reported months ago. This is definitely a sign that some inertia is building.

Read entire letter.

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