Friday, June 3, 2011

Video: MSNBC Propagandist Martin Bashir on Palin, Part II

Earlier this week, far left MSNBC propagandist Martin Bashir suggested that Sarah Palin is violating federal law by donning the American flag on her bus as it tours the country. The faux outrage expressed by Bashir was even more suspicious when one considers the left's view of flag burning. Bashir is likely a huge proponent, though that's based entirely on the ideology he obviously embraces more than it is a statement on him specifically.

In any event, the negative response Bashir apparently generated prompted him to respond on-air so he could 'clear the air' and actually embarrasses himself further. In response to his charge that Sarah Palin drapes herself illegally in the flag, Bashir drapes himself in the Declaration of Independence while showing the audience his green card to prove he's in the country legally. Conspicuously absent from Bashir's response is any backing up of his claim that Palin is violating federal law. Huh, I guess that means she isn't and Bashir only further proves he's a lying propagandist.

From NewsBusters via Hapblog:

Here is the clip that started it all:

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