Monday, July 4, 2011

'Arab Spring' Update: Egyptian Gas Pipeline to Israel Bombed

...and the Liberal media just keeps on truckin'. As the Muslim Brotherhood and its willing accomplices continue to seize power in Egypt, bad things continue to happen. There was Lara Logan's sexual assault at Tahrir Square; Coptic Christians continue to be persecuted, tortured, and killed. Now, we're seeing an increase in gas pipeline blasts. For some reason, the mainstream media continues trumpeting the Islamist uprisings as Democracy in Action. At some point, even they will have to admit that Mubarak was nowhere near as bad as what Obama's media minions helped to usher in.

Via ABC News:
Masked assailants blew up the Egyptian pipeline that carries gas to Israel and Jordan early on Monday, starting a fire that burned for hours and disrupting the flow of the gas, security officials said.

The blast was the third to hit the strategic pipeline since an uprising overthrew Egypt's longtime leader Hosni Mubarak in February.

No one claimed responsibility for the explosion but disgruntled Bedouin tribesmen in the area have been blamed for attacking the pipeline in the past. Islamists opposed to Egypt's 1979 peace treaty with Israel have also been suspected.
Is it me or does it look like they're describing the Muslim Brotherhood perfectly while refusing to acknowledge that's who they're describing.
The security officials said the attackers, armed with assault rifles, arrived in two pickup trucks without number plates and forced the three security guards on duty to leave before placing the explosives and shooting the pipeline's valves to release the gas.

The explosion triggered a blaze that took firefighters at least seven hours to extinguish, they said.
Meanwhile, the Obama administration, along with his media minions, continues to support a repeat of what happened in Egypt - in Libya.

h/t Free Republic

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