Monday, July 4, 2011

Video: Far Leftist Noam Chomsky's Moment of Clarity Regarding Hugo Chavez

Great find by Verum Serum here. Far leftist Noam Chomsky sang the praises of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez back in 2007 for, among other things, calling George W. Bush a 'devil.' Chomsky also bemoaned the notion that Chavez was considered a 'tin pot dictator.' This first clip is Chomsky in 2007 where he derided George W. Bush and defended Chavez on things like Venezuela's 'social programs.' It's quite obvious in listening to Chomsky here that he was having an 'enemy of my enemy is my friend moment.' His hatred for Bush was such that if someone like Chavez hated Bush too, defending Chavez was noble, using leftwing logic.

Via VS, here's Chomsky in 2007:

The admiration Chomsky shared for Chavez in 2007 was obviously mutual. Here is Chavez holding up one of Chomsky's books at the U.N. General Assembly:

Now this. Chomsky is throwing Chavez under the bus. Via The Guardian:
Speaking to the Observer last week, Chomsky has accused the socialist leader of amassing too much power and of making an "assault" on Venezuela's democracy.

"Concentration of executive power, unless it's very temporary and for specific circumstances, such as fighting world war two, is an assault on democracy. You can debate whether [Venezuela's] circumstances require it: internal circumstances and the external threat of attack, that's a legitimate debate. But my own judgment in that debate is that it does not."
Though there is a temptation to gloat from those of us on the right, we should congratulate Chomsky on this 'ah-ha' moment. There needs to be far more of this and we must admit that, at some level, this admission on the part of Chomsky is an admission that he was wrong.

Yes, it's late but it's also welcome news.

Read it all.

h/t Verum Serum

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