Friday, July 8, 2011

Audio: Rep. Allen West Goes After Eric Holder over Project Gunrunner

In a radio interview with talk show host Steve Gill, Rep. Allen West (R-FL) made it quite clear where he stands relative to the Project Gunrunner / Operation Fast and Furious scandal. If Eric Holder is not removed, it means that Barack Obama is complicit in the operation and there needs to be a special prosecutor brought into this matter now. It is becoming clear that this scandal continues to build toward a much larger crescendo. If West is able to help get more Congressmen to take it seriously, the inertia with respect to the sentiment to remove Holder could reach critical mass this year.

Here is the audio of the exchange between Gill and West:

Via WND:
"This is just another sad chapter in the Eric Holder book of ineptness and incompetence," West said. "Eric Holder needs to be brought before an investigative committee and if those charges are warranted he needs to be held accountable.

"At least the president needs to realize that Eric Holder needs to be removed from the Department of Justice … or else it appears President Obama is complicit and in approval of the actions of his attorney general," he said.
Obama has another problem. If he removes Holder, it will have meant he was either wrong or lied when he went to bat for Holder in an interview with Univision earlier this year when he said neither he nor Holder authorized the operation. Again, this scandal is so large that there are likely to be very few people willing to fall on the sword. We already know that ATF Director Kenneth Melson is not willing to take the fall and that leaves Holder's Justice Department. If Holder authorized Fast and Furious, it will be interesting to see if any AAG's will be willing to do what Melson didn't do.

Full article HERE.

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