Friday, July 8, 2011

Democrat Senator Leaves Message for Koch Brothers: Donate to Democrats

If anyone has been demonized by the Democrats' Alinsky-style tactics more than the Koch brothers this year, you'd be hard-pressed to find them. The word 'Koch' was used as a punchline in countless sound bites and on multiple protests signs during the Wisconsin protests. MSNBC has the word in its random rotation of entities to slander and malign. Imagine their surprise when they received a voicemail from Democrat Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) in her capacity as Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) chair, asking for a five-figure campaign contribution.

First up, the voicemail message. CLICK HERE to listen.

You knew the Koch brothers would respond to that. Here is the letter, taken from the Koch Industries website:
Dear Senator Murray:

For many months now, your colleagues in the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee leadership have engaged in a series of disparagements and ad hominem attacks about us, apparently as part of a concerted political and fundraising strategy. Just recently, Senator Reid wrote in a DSCC fundraising letter that Republicans are trying to “force through their extreme agenda faster than you can say ‘Koch Brothers.’”

So you can imagine my chagrin when I got a letter from you on June 17 asking us to make five-figure contributions to the DSCC. You followed that up with a voicemail* indicating that, if we contributed heavily enough, we would garner an invitation to join you and other Democratic leaders at a retreat in Kiawah Island this September.

I’m hoping you can help me understand the intent of your request because it’s hard not to conclude that DSCC politics have become so cynical that you actually expect people whom you routinely denounce to give DSCC money.

It is troubling that private citizens taking part in the discourse have become the targets of White House and DSCC fundraising missives, and we would certainly encourage you to rethink that approach. Ultimately, I expect voters will see through that and will weigh the issues on the merits alone. But in the meantime, if you could provide me some insight on what exactly you are asking of us and why, I would be most grateful.

Philip Ellender
President, Government & Public Affairs
Koch Companies Public Sector, LLC
Gotta say. That's one heckuva strategy. I urge and encourage you to give it a shot. Ingratiate yourself to someone by slandering them incessantly and then ask for their support.

A better example of liberal logic you will not find.

h/t Hot Air

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