Sunday, July 3, 2011

Tunisia Bans Relations with Israel

I get it. The leftists here and all over the world are actively siding with Islamist forces that want to overthrow governments so that the world can be the beneficiary of the wonderful 'Arab Spring.' Unwittingly or complicit, they're actively pushing the rise of an Islamic Caliphate. What gets me is the likes of John McCain and Tim Pawlenty, who are completely oblivious to what's going on here. Northern Africa is falling to the most anti-Semitic global movement since Hitler and official U.S. policy is to continue facilitating it.

The latest example is in Tunisia. From ANSAmed:
TUNISIA, JULY 1 - Today Tunisia's commission of political reform announced that it adopted (by majority) a ''republican pact'' that will be the basis of the future new Constitution, and in particular it states the rejection of any normalisation with Israel.

While announcing the pact the president of the commission, Yadh Ben Achour, did not offer any details, but the Arab speaking Tunisian press published its content, which defines Tunisia as a free and democratic country, whose official language is Arab and whose religion is Islam.

The pact, that will serve as the basis of the future Constitution, categorically rejects ''any form of normalisation with the Zionist State'', and supports the Palestinian cause.(ANSAmed).
So much for an Amendment that guarantees freedom of religion, I guess.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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