Sunday, July 3, 2011

Greece Arrests Gaza Flotilla Captain of 'Audacity of Hope'

Oh, the irony. A boat funded in part by Obama friend Rashid Khalidi and named 'The Audacity of Hope,' was told it could not leave Greece for Gaza. It left anyway. Greece's Coast Guard stopped the ship shortly thereafter and arrested the captain for endangering his crew. That crew, which consisted of Code Pink's Media Benjamin were so shocked that their peaceful little party of whackos wasn't allowed to proceed. Gee, does anyone remember what happened last time?

Via New York Times:
ATHENS — The American captain of a United States-flagged boat in the planned flotilla to Gaza was jailed Saturday, a day after trying to sail out of port, flotilla organizers said.

A judge contended that the boat, The Audacity of Hope, was not carrying proper safety equipment and charged the captain, John Klusmire, with “disturbing sea traffic and endangering passengers,” a felony, and with disobeying an official directive, a misdemeanor, said Ann Wright, an organizer.

The flotilla was organized to challenge the Israeli naval blockade of the Gaza Strip.

On Friday, Greece’s Ministry of Citizen Protection banned all vessels from leaving Greek ports for the “maritime area of Gaza.” The police had also ordered The Audacity of Hope to remain docked until the port authorities provided the results of an inspection. After waiting one week for the inspection results, however, organizers decided to sail without Greek authorization.
The video below is a 'must see.' It's video shot from the deck of the 'Audacity of Hope.' The only thing missing from this video is circus music in the background.

Via The Blaze:

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