Saturday, July 2, 2011

Video Awesomeness: Freshman Congressman Joe Walsh Rips Obama on CNN

Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) is a freshman member of Congress and he appeared on CNN's show 'In the Arena' with Eilot Sptizer. The exchange is at its best very early on when Walsh's assertion that Obama 'acted like a 10 year-old' during the president's recent news conference elicits a facial expression from Spitzer that is definitely worth watching. Spitzer then figuratively cleans out his ears before asking Walsh to clarify the comment about Obama behaving like a pre-pubescent adolescent. Walsh doesn't blink and then for more than another minute, continues to rail on Obama as Spitzer looks like a deer in the headlights.

BAM! Walsh nails it.

H/t to Freedoms Lighthouse via CNN:

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