Friday, July 8, 2011

Video: Rick Santelli's Best Rant Since Starting Tea Party

There is something about Rick Santelli that doesn't seem to be true for many. The more animated he gets, the more right he usually is. His latest rant is over the debt ceiling. If you ask him, House Republicans shouldn't give an inch; leave the ceiling where it is and force the Federal government to cut spending. There is plenty of tax revenue being collected to pay the interest on the debt so default is not going to happen. The showdown here takes place between Santelli and Michael Farr.

Farr comes across as the guy who has been perpetually fooled with things like TARP, the Auto bailouts, bank bailouts, stimulus, etc. Santelli says this fear mongering about the consequences of failing to raise the debt ceiling is just chicken little's latest manufactured crisis.

Via MediaIte:

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