Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Biden's Most Despicable Gaffe?

Vice president Joe Biden has said some extremely dumb things over the last several years. He instructed a man in a wheel-chair to stand up; he identified j-o-b-s as a three letter word; he somehow thought Franklin Delano Roosevelt was president during the 1929 stock market crash and then went on television, which didn't exist at the time, to talk to the American people; he infamously said that the United States needs to keep spending money in order to prevent bankruptcy. There are many, many more but on the night that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords returned to Congress, Biden officially made his worst gaffe... ever.

Via ABC News:
Escorted by her husband and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., Giffords exited the House floor slowly, giving a small wave to people as she left. She left the Capitol in an SUV shortly thereafter.

"It's been an emotional few hours," Wasserman Schultz told ABC News' Diane Sawyer on "World News." She said Giffords decided to make the trip to Washington because she "wanted to make sure that her district had a voice in this important vote."

Her appearance on the floor "melted even the hardest hearts," Wasserman Schultz told Sawyer.

"I've never seen more electricity on the floor erupt than when she triumpantly walked up those stairs," she said.

When Biden was asked about what he spoke with Giffords about, he joked, "She's now a member of the cracked head club like me."

The debt ceiling bill passed the House 269-161. The Senate will vote on the measure on Tuesday.
I think that one may even trump his referring to the Tea Party as a group of 'terrorists.'

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