Monday, August 1, 2011

Videos: Tea Party Senators vs. CNN Anchors

The insane has become mainstream. In the first exchange between CNN's Don Lemon and Senator Rand Paul, Lemon is clearly agitated with the Tea Party's demand for a balanced budget and sees Paul as the poster child against whom he can take out his frustrations. This nation is over $14 Trillion in debt with no plan in place to lower it. In fact, the Boehner plan will only raise it by trillions of dollars over the next ten years while all of the Bill's proponents sing its praises because it includes cuts. Yet, Lemon attacks Paul because the Kentucky Senator wants a balanced budget amendment?!

Seriously, the insane has become mainstream.

This second exchange, between both Wolf Blitzer and Lemon with Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) is over the same issue. For some reason, the left simply doesn't seem to grasp the much larger problem, which is a continued increase in our already unsustainable national debt. Note that Lee is threatening to filibuster the debt deal; this is good news.

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