Monday, August 8, 2011

CAIR Endorses New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

It will be interesting to see just how far New Jersey Governor Chris Christie falls with conservatives after his four minute diatribe in which he scolded anyone who has a problem with his appointment of Islamist-connected Sohail Mohammed to a superior court judgeship in Passaic County, NJ. As it turns out, conservatives may not have to do much of anything because the left, coupled with at least one Islamic group with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, all seem to be singing Christie's praises.

This is straight from CAIR New Jersey's Facebook page:
(SOUTH PLAINFIELD, NJ, 8/5/2011) -- The New Jersey chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NJ) today thanked Governor Chris Christie for his strong and rigorous defense of newly-confirmed Superior Court Judge Sohail Mohammed.

Prior to the recent swearing-in ceremony, Governor Christie publicly characterized his judicial nominee as an “extraordinary American,” an “outstanding attorney,” and an “outstanding human being,” emphasizing the “integral role” Mohammed played in the post-September 11th period in building bridges between American Muslim community leaders and law enforcement authorities.
As Daniel Pipes says, this should end the talk of a Chris Christie presidential run.

More from CAIR:
"We applaud Governor Christie for shining a spotlight on the tremendous contributions of Judge Sohail Mohammed," said CAIR-NJ Executive Director James Yee. "Governor Christie’s praise highlights the commitment of American Muslims to building a better society. We hope the governor’s comments will help stem the rising tide of Islamophobia in our society and help unify our nation."
Continuing to remain conspicuously absent on this incredibly disturbing reality is Ann Coulter, who has been a staunch supporter of Christie for some time; she has asserted unflinchingly that Christie would be the best Republican nominee for president.

Andrew Bostom also has more on Christie's affinity for Islamists.

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