Monday, August 8, 2011

Video: George Will Smacks Down former Obama Car Czar

Former Obama car czar Steve Rattner appeared on ABC's This Week alongside George Will. In addition to the S&P downgrade, one of the things on the table was the increasingly incendiary rhetoric that has been used by the left when talking about the Tea Party (this is the new civility demanded by the left - they can smear, the right can't). Host Christianne Amanpour pointed out to Rattner that he called congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), who was sitting at the table, a terrorist (Chaffetz voted against the debt ceiling bill). Rattner then attempted to backpedal by saying he wasn't referring to Chaffetz specifically (nice try, Steve).

Then Will jumps in and refers to Rattner's appearance on Morning Joe, in which the former car czar referred to the Tea Party as being like a suicide bomber on Times Square. Rattner denied ever saying it but as this video shows, he lied.

As I think about it, why is catching a leftwing socialist in a lie newsworthy? Oh, well. Just watch.

Via Breitbart:

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