Sunday, August 7, 2011

Video: David Axelrod Sounds like Charlie Brown's Parents

Obama adviser David Axelrod looks like Nathan Thurm in this exchange with CBS's Bob Schieffer while sounding like any adult in a Charlie Brown cartoon. In between the nervous, rambling lines of incoherence, Axelrod manages to spit out his belief that this is a 'Tea Party downgrade,' in reference to S&P downgrading us to AA+. Aside from that, there wasn't much he said worth reporting. He looked shaken, nervous, and like a man whose entire belief system is crashing down. More than once, Axelrod said 'compromise is not a dirty word.' Uh, Dave, it's a dirty word when it involves socialists.

As an added bonus, John Kerry also called this a 'Tea Party downgrade.'

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h/t Verum Serum and The Blaze

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