Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Video: Krauthammer's Ignorance over Libya

Look, Charles Krauthammer is a very intelligent guy but to say the overthrow of Gadhafi in Libya is a major success for the United States simply shows his ignorance relative to the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact, if the Brotherhood has deceived someone like Krauthammer to this extent, they're more successful at stealth jihad than I thought. Gadhafi is a very bad guy. I get it. He's responsible for acts of war against the United States. His removal was tempting but you don't remove a Castro if he's going to be replaced by a Hitler.

Here is Krauthammer expressing his very misguided view via Daily Caller:

The Muslim Brotherhood is on the move all over the Middle East and make no mistake, they will end up ruling Libya in the near future; they will take Tunisia, Egypt, and likely Syira, along with any other country in the region that falls. Once they do that, borders will become irrelevant and their power will only increase. Turkey is loving every second of it because that is where the power center will end up.

I am simply shocked by how out of touch otherwise very intelligent people are when it comes to the threats on our horizon.

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