Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Jeb 'RINO' Bush Shows us why he Ain't the Guy

RINOism appears to run in the Bush family. George H.W. liked that 'New World Order' rhetoric, George W. refused to stop spending, ingratiated himself with Muslim Brotherhood groups, and refused to deal with our illegal immigration problem, and Jeb is now telling Republican nominees not to go after Obama too hard. Obviously, oblivious to the sentiment in America, Jeb must have absolutely NO interest in getting into the race. Typical establishment guy who doesn't understand that the ground has shifted (literally and figuratively) in DC.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush warned the Republican presidential hopefuls against ideological intransigence and knee-jerk opposition to President Barack Obama on Tuesday, saying they risk turning off middle-of-the-road voters.

Asked by Fox News host Neil Cavuto if some Republicans go too far in their criticism of Obama, Bush said flatly, “I do. I think when you start ascribing bad motives to the guy, that’s wrong. It turns off people who want solutions.

“It’s fine to criticize him, that’s politics,” said Bush, the younger brother of former President George W. Bush, who again reiterated that he won’t run for president himself. “But just to stop there isn’t enough. You have to win with ideas, you have to win with policies. … He’s made a situation that was bad worse. He’s deserving of criticism for that. He’s not deserving of criticism for the common cold on up.”

“If you’re a conservative, you have to persuade. You can’t just be against the president,” he added.

Breaking with the GOP field, Bush said he’d be willing to accept new revenues as part of a deficit-reduction package.

“I think the problems are so severe in this country that leadership is required to find common ground and solutions,” he said.
I'm just flat out tired of RINOs who lecture the Tea Party on ideological intransigence. Jeb, are you truly that blind to what Obama is doing to the country?

Uh, as for Jeb's take that we should raise taxes, would it be intransigent of me to tell Jeb to go pound sand?

h/t Weasel Zippers

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