Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Videos: Frederica Wilson says Tea Party the 'Real Enemy,' blames Unemployment on Racism

On Monday, August 22nd, Congressional Black Caucus member and Democrat Rep. from Florida, Frederica Wilson attended a town hall meeting in Miami that was to be followed on day later by a job fair sponsored by the CBC. At the town hall, Wilson apparently took a cue from fellow CBC member, Maxine Waters (D-CA), who told a crowd in Inglewood, CA that the 'Tea Party can go straight to hell.' Here, in this clip, Wilson took the baton and referred to the Tea Party as the 'real enemy.' Why? Because it wants to make Obama a 'one term president.' The irony is priceless. Instead of blaming the Tea Party for why there was a need for a CBC job fair in the first place, why not look to the president, whose policies are the reason for it? By the way, since Frederica is wearing a red hat, is she racist against other colors for hats?

Then, while appearing on MSNBC, Ms. Wilson continued the racist rhetoric. She identified the reason for unemployment in the black community as being the result of "racism." She also donned that red hat again, which really raises suspicions about her racist tendency when it comes to the color red.

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