Sunday, September 4, 2011

Video: Rick Perry says Idea of Border Fence 'Nonsense'

As a conservative Texan, I've been quite disappointed by the warm reception Rick Perry has gotten across the country. The gap between his conservative rhetoric and his actions is cavernous. Unfortunately, conservatives all over the US appear to be drinking the Perry-aid. Folks, don't do it! This guy is NOT a conservative. He just knows how to throw the tastiest red meat. Here is but one small example. Yesterday, while in New Hampshire, he told the crowd that the idea of constructing a wall on the Texas / Mexico border is 'nonsense.' Granted, he said it after calling for drones to be used up and down the border. That line got a laugh because of Perry's delivery but the room went noticeably silent when he dismissed the idea of a border fence. By calling such an idea 'nonsense,' he came precariously close to calling those who want one, nonsensical.

Also, for those who don't know or remember, after Arizona passed SB 1070 last year, Perry said such a bill would 'not be right for Texas.' Not only that but he showed virtually no solidarity with Governor Brewer.

Anyway, here's a glimpse of the real Rick Perry:

h/t GWP

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