Sunday, September 4, 2011

Video: Sarah Palin's Iowa Speech with the MediaIte Spin

The MediaIte website has done a good job of being a reasonable leftwing site. As far as the left goes, they do a good job over there when it comes to attempts at objectivity. However, Frances Martel's commentary about Sarah Palin's speech in Indianola, Iowa yesterday clearly showed the bias. One of the commenters predictably twisted Palin's words to paint her as a hypocrite when she said that she wasn't 'for sale,' unlike those crony capitalists. Not to worry though. Other commenters set Nacho_II straight.

Here is the pathetic line in Martel's commentary:
She (Palin) told the crowd that the President had “awakened a sleeping America,” and that while the nation was “about the lose the blessing of liberty and prosperity,” the “working people of this country… got up off the couch” (from which they were presumably working) to take back the country.
That's a ridiculous leap. Hey Francis, what do a lot of people do when they get home from work? Palin was clearly pointing out that instead of watching 'Dancing with the Stars,' people were getting involved. LAME, Frances. Lame.

Anyway, here's Palin's speech in two parts via MediaIte:

Part 1

Part 2

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