Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Audio: Howard Stern Exposes Ignorance of Occupy Wall Street Protesters

In short, the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests are nothing more than a hodgepodge of malcontents, miscreants, leeches, ignoramuses, Nazis and communists. This clip from Howard Stern - who comes across as a staunch defender of capitalism - so blatantly and thoroughly exposes the 'ignoramus' element of the OWS protests that if you don't laugh or cry, you need to check your birth certificate to see if you're from the planet Vulcan. On one level, these are the protesters who are the least dangerous because they are so irreparably devoid of intelligence. On another level, they are the most dangerous because of their sheer numbers. They are the useful idiots of the more nefarious groups like the Nazis, communists, and Islamists; they're simply to stupid to realize it.

Keep in mind as you listen to this that the Obama administration and the mainstream media both praise this bunch while painting the Tea Party as racist.

**CONTENT WARNING** but too important not to share. Via Breitbart:

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