Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Cost of Gilad Schalit's Release

The deal reached by Israel to ensure the release of Gilad Schalit, the soldier captured by Hamas in 2006 seems rather lopsided, with nearly 500 terrorists being released in exchange for Schalit. Does this mean that Israel values the life of its people hundreds of times more than do the Palestinians? Perhaps, but in addition to the sheer numbers, the atrocities committed by those who are being released almost defy comprehension.

Via IPT:
Public-opinion polls show considerable popular support for the Schalit deal, with 79 percent of respondents to a Yediot Ahronot poll backing it. Even so, Israelis could have second thoughts as they see some of the names on the list of militants scheduled to be released.

They include Musab Hashlemon, a Hamas operative from Hebron, who received 17 life sentences for his role in facilitating a 2004 double suicide attack in Hebron. Sixteen civilians were murdered when suicide bombers dispatched by Hashlemon detonated themselves on two city buses.

In January 2004, Hashlemon – at the time a minor Hamas operative –was released in a prisoner exchange between Israel and Hizballah. He will be deported to Hamas-ruled Gaza.

Also on the list is Nasser Yataima, involved in planning the March 2002 suicide attack on a Seder at the Park Hotel in Netanya, in which 30 people were killed and 140 wounded.

Another is Abd al-Aziz Salaha, who participated in the October 2000 lynching of two IDF reservists who mistakenly drove into a mob of Palestinians in Ramallah. Salaha was photographed holding his blood-soaked hands out of the window.
The image of Salaha is notoriously iconic in light of the animalistic barbarism it represents.

More on the heinous acts of Salaha HERE.

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