Monday, October 31, 2011

Video: CBS' Bob Schieffer Scolds Herman Cain on Live Television

Just when you think the liberal media has lowered the bar of bias as far as it possibly can, someone finds a new rock bottom. In this instance, Face the Nation's Bob Schieffer has seized the mantle. Last week, Herman Cain's campaign released an ad that struck most as truly bizarre; it featured his campaign manager, Mark Brock, who ended the ad with a drag from his cigarette. The reaction of most people was a bit of head-scratching. Then something happened. The ad pulled a million views in four days and Cain's campaign contributions went up as a direct result. To call the ad counter-intuitive would be an understatement.

The aforementioned reality appeared to truly bother Bob Schieffer, who questioned Cain about the ad. In a bit of childish, righteous indignation, Schieffer masked his contempt for the success of the ad behind some holier-than-thou disgust for Cain's camp featuring such an image. After all, he's running for president and such an ad should be beneath him.

Cain handled himself well but a knockout punch would have been - as NewsBuster commenter Don'tFeedtheTrolls said - our current president smokes. Using Schieffer's standard, Obama is doing something that is beneath the office while Cain isn't even a smoker.

This is disgraceful on the part of Schieffer. Via NewsBusters:

Here is the entire ad:

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