Monday, October 31, 2011

Video: Occupy Oakland Protester Admits Objects Hurled at Police

While being interviewed by Marxist MSNBC host, Lawrence O'Donnell, an Occupy Oakland protester singlehandedly blows the left wing narrative out of the water. That narrative is that police are brutalizing OWS protesters unnecessarily; the protesters are simply innocent victims of repression who are having their first amendment rights trampled. Lost on far too many people is that they are not law-abiding. When police tell law-abiding people to clear an area, law-abiding people do that. In this case, O'Donnell asks someone not entirely brushed up on all of the talking points, if protesters have been throwing objects at police. To the Obama administration's certain chagrin, she admits that they were.

Also, take note at the beginning of this clip, as MSNBC is running B-roll. Note the person in a wheelchair being pushed through the streets by a protester with a bandana over his face as the situation appears to be deteriorating. Why would a person in a wheelchair be smack dab in the middle of a violent situation? Uh, could it be so that any injury could be exploited like the one sustained by anti-war military veteran Scott Olsen?

Lawlessness is being championed. There's no other way to say it.

h/t GWP

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