Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Video: CNN's John King Rejects his own Rare Journalistic Moment

Want proof the White House controls the mainstream media? Look no further than a segment done by CNN's John King last week in which he rightfully asked how Obama knew about Fast and Furious six weeks before Eric Holder told the House Judiciary committee he's only heard about it 'a few weeks' earlier. It raised legitimate questions about the difference between 'a few' and 'several.' Well, those looking for real journalism out of CNN should only enjoy this one instance while it lasted because John King is now on record as having backtracked on the one moment he should be proud of. Here, he takes up for Holder and twists himself into a pretzel while implying that Holder simply misspoke.

Via Breitbart:

Here is the original CNN segment with John King in which the latter actually fleetingly did his job.

It wasn't just CNN where Obama said that either. Remember when he told Jorge Ramos of Univision the same thing on March 22nd?

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