Thursday, October 27, 2011

Video: Former Soviet Citizen Smacks Down Occupy Wall Street Protesters

This video is flat-out amazing. If you want to know how truly and thoroughly brainwashed these protesters are, this one should sum it up. The heard (but unseen) former Soviet citizen (fSc) confronts a couple of people about socialism vs. capitalism. He should have known it was a hopeless cause when the woman said North Korea was better off than South Korea and the guy next to her said North Korea is in such bad shape because of imperialism. Then fSc points to the picture of Che Guevara on the woman's poster and tells her the guy was a mass murderer. Her response? She shook her head.

These lunatics might deserve sympathy if they weren't so dangerous.

Via Real Scoop:

h/t TrevorLoudon

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