Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Videos: DHS Secretary Napolitano Grilled over Fast and Furious

Though this was a House Judiciary Committee hearing, Oversight members, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), and chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) were all present. Each had a shot at pressing DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and each did so. First up is Chaffetz, who becomes visibly frustrated at Napolitano's stonewalling. In particular, he appeared to find the contention on the part of Napolitano that she hadn't discussed Fast and Furious with Eric Holder particularly vexing.

Via Oversight Productions:

Rep. Gowdy, as a former prosecutor, is quite familiar with protocol in cases that involve gun trafficking. Take note as he gets Napolitano to agree on proper procedures for how something known as a T3 is handled. When he takes the next logical step, based on what Napolitano agreed was correct, she clams up after realizing that answering in the affirmative would implicated the Justice Department:

Then came Darrell Issa's turn. In this heated exchange, Issa asks Napolitano some very straightforward questions that the Secretary refuses to answer and says she will get the answers to him in writing:

h/t to JW at Operation Gunrunner Info Page at FB

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