Thursday, November 24, 2011

Video Awesomeness: Douglas Brinkley Goes After Congressman at Hearing

In front of the House Natural Resources Committee, liberal historian Douglas Brinkley was addressed by Rep. Don Young (R-AK) as "Mr. Rice." The exchange devolved from there. It's safe to say that although the issue of Brinkley's name was the excuse for arguing, it had little to do with the reason. It was great too because at one point, Brinkley channeled serious Tea Party sentiment after Young told him to "be quiet."

Brinkley responded with, "You don't own me. I work for the private sector; you work for the taxpayers."

The Tea Party has needed a shot in the arm for a while now. Though I'm not making any predictions, this is the kind of thing it needs until something like it provides that boost. In fact, with Brinkley being a liberal who rejected elitist treatment from a Republican, the Tea Party has the perfect opportunity to demonstrate further that it is against ALL establishment politics, regardless of what side of the aisle it comes from. Brinkley's showdown is with two Republicans, Young and Committee Chairman Doc Hastings:

Via Breitbart:

Brinkley appeared on Ed Schultz's show after that exchange. The difference between the Tea Party and partisan hacks like Schultz is that the former is honest enough to support Brinkley in an exchange like the one he had with Young while Schultz would never do that if Brinkley was a conservative who attacked a Democrat on the committee.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of hack, your biased statements is endemic.

    As if Faux News would produce a "fair and balanced" assessment if it fell the other way. While I agree that Schultz ignored the merits of panel's argument (despite the so-called distinguished congressman calling the dialogue "garbage"), and while it is ineffective for Mr. "Rice" Brinkley to interrupt the Congressman, a blogger worth his/her salt would point out how both sides were not behaving optimally.

    May the Alaskan voters give this unprofessional "representative" the boot.

    It's also laughable that you would say that this exchange was fuel for the Tea Party.
