Thursday, November 24, 2011

Videos: ACORN's Bertha Lewis Rips Her Mask Off

These are phenomenal pieces of video that show the true face of Bertha Lewis, the former head of ACORN. Both of these clips come courtesy of Verum Serum. In the first one, Bertha admits to using "dirty tricks" to influence the outcome of a vote. If we had an actual Justice Department, this woman would be investigated for illegal activities.

This next clip doesn't so much reveal possible illegal behavior so much as the real Bertha, who bemoans how she had to put on a polite face in television interviewers who wanted to know about all those undercover videos that showed her organization's offices near unanimously offering to facilitate underage prostitution.

She then says there will never be a "post racial" America. Does that mean she believes in black supremacy?

It would seem so. In the world of reality, we call that racism.

Keep talkin' Bertha. Please, just keep talkin'

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