Sunday, November 27, 2011

Video: Draft Sarah Palin Ad set to Air in Iowa

In case you didn't know, there is a movement afoot to draft Sarah Palin back into the presidential race. This is likely being fed by the fact that the 'Not-Romney' candidate is shaping up to be another DC establishment guy in Gingrich, who got there with strong debate performances and red meat rhetoric. Anyway, here is the ad that is set to run in Iowa on November 29th.

Of course, if Palin even honors the request, she will have put herself behind the 8-ball because some important filing deadlines have already passed, including Florida. In light of the ad and sentiment among Tea Party voters, that neither Gingrich nor Romney is a sufficient choice, I found this exchange Palin had wit ET's Mary Hart back in October, 2010 rather interesting. Fast forward to the :30 mark to hear Palin say that if there's no one to do it, she would.

The candidates currently in the field that most closely align with the Tea Party are Cain, Bachmann, and Santorum. Cain is fading, Bachmann simply cannot energize the base like Palin can, and Santorum has yet to get any traction whatsoever.

h/t The Other McCain

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