Sunday, November 27, 2011

Video: Miley Cyrus Releases Pro-OWS Song

Have you ever felt so much sympathy for someone so wealthy? I'm not talking about Miley, I'm talking about her father, Billy Ray. His daughter appears to be doubling down on his Achey Breaky Heart. It will be quite interesting to see if Miley Cyrus takes her cue from Jay-Z, who's been selling 'Occupy All Streets' t-shirts for $22 and giving none of the proceeds to the movement or if she at least chooses the less hypocritical path.

The list of 1% ers who embrace the movement that is supposedly disgusted by them officially just grew by one.

In either case, this one is an eye-roller and Billy Ray Cyrus has got to be doing a face-palm right now.

Via MediaIte:

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