Sunday, December 11, 2011

Debate Video: Mitt Bets Perry 10k, Loses with Voters

The damage Rick Perry did to himself when he drew at 52 second blank in a previous debate may have been done to Mitt Romney in this latest one. In essence, the Texas governor went back to the line in Romney's book that was taken out in a later edition.

Back in the September debate, Perry brought up the fact that Romney's first edition said Romneycare should be applied nationally.

Via ABC News:
Texas Gov. Rick Perry said during the Florida debate that Romney took out the single line that suggested the Massachusetts health reform law could be applied to the country. The line that is removed in the paperback version reads, “We can accomplish the same thing for everyone in the country.”
Perry brought it up again last night and Mitt had no response. Consequently, he reverted to a childish tactic. He stuck out his hand and offered to bet Perry 10k.

Not only was that an inadvisable response to an indisputable fact highlighted by Perry but that's a lot of money for Iowan voters who probably didn't appreciate Romney's ability to put that much money on the table over such an issue.

Perry did it all with a smile, too. This one may have cost Mitt some real percentage points.

Via Breitbart:

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