Sunday, December 11, 2011

Debate Video: Ron Paul vs. Newt Gingrich on Palestinians

In last night's ABC debate, George Stephanopolous asked Ron Paul to respond to Newt Gingrich's comment on Jewish Television that the Palestinians are an 'invented people.' Paul did not argue the accuracy of the statement but instead took the position that speaking the truth is 'just stirring up trouble.'

Aside from the fact that the Ron Pauliens love their guy because he's willing to speak the truth regardless of who it offends making that stance a bit hypocritical, Paul likely didn't do himself any favors when he said 'Israel didn't have a state' either. This statement is egregious on its face because it draws a line of moral equivalency between anti-Semites and Jews.

When the conversation went over to Newt, the former speaker did not attempt to walk back his statement at all. He dug in his heels and doubled down.

Via Breitbart

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