Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Explosive: Actor on TLC's 'All American Muslim' Show is Pro-Hezbollah

Lowe's Home Improvement has found itself at the center of quite a bit of controversy by pulling its ads from The Learning Channel's (TLC) television show, All American Muslim but there is perhaps another, more explosive story regarding the program's content. In particular, one of the Imams featured in the show is quite radical.

The Shoebat Foundation has uncovered an interview Shia Imam Husham Al-Hussainy gave to Sean Hannity back in 2007. Al-Hussainy plays a prominent role in the television show:
The brand new TV show featured on Cable TV channel TLC tries to depict Muslims as "ordinary patriotic" Americans but fails to deliver in its very first episode by featuring a radical Shia Imam Husham Al- Husainy. In the first episode the Imam is featured marrying a male convert to Islam to a secular Muslim women. The Imam was exposed on the Sean Hannity Show back in February 2007. I remember listening to the actual interview live in which it was obvious the Imam supports Hezbollah a terror entity listed by the State Department. The Imam hates the the USA and Israel. You can hear in the interview what a nut job the Imam is and his gymnastics and crazy attacks in order to avoid answering simple questions.
As is clearly evident, this imam is beyond unhinged in this exchange. The first clip is the interview on Hannity's radio show in 2007:

Here is a panel on Hannity's television show discussing that interview:

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