Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Video: Beck Threatening to Support Ron Paul, Breitbart Grills him

Look, Newt Gingrich has a double-checkered past when it comes to big government positions and statements. He's also the front-runner in the Republican nomination process. There is a disturbing narrative coming out of the mouths of Ron Pauliens at this point and it has a 'cut off your nose to spite your face' ring to it.

Apparently, Glenn Beck is adopting it. Pauliens, in general, believe there is no difference between Barack Obama and Newt Gingrich.

That's absurd.

Another aspect to Beck's take has to do with support for Israel. Beck touts himself as one of Israel's most staunchest supporters; it has become a central issue for him. All one has to do is juxtapose Newt's statement that the Palestinians are 'an invented people' with Paul's response to that and it becomes quite apparent that Newt supports Israel more than does Paul.

Perhaps worse than that is the fact that a vote for Paul is a vote for Obama and if Beck is going to take the position that Obama supports Israel as much as Gingrich does, he's delivered a severe self-inflicted wound.

Via MediaIte:

In response to Beck's appearance on Andrew Napolitano's television show, Andrew Breitbart went after Beck very hard for this position.

Also via MediaIte:

Here is Beck's appearance with Judge Andrew Napolitano that Breitbart referred to:

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