Saturday, December 10, 2011

Newt calls Palestinians an 'Invented People,' Palestinians Respond

One of the knocks on Newt Gingrich is that he's undisciplined. Consequently, he says and does things that leave people either cheering or scratching their heads. How else can one explain his willingness to sit on a love seat with Nancy Pelosi for an ad on climate change? Recently, Newt referred to the Palestinians as an 'invented people.'

Before getting to the Arab response, here is the video via MediaIte:

Apparently, the Palestinians consider Newt a racist after those comments.

Via CNN:
Senior Palestinian leaders on Saturday strongly criticized comments by Republican presidential frontrunner Newt Gingrich that the Palestinians are an "invented" people, calling the comments ignorant and racist.

Top Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat said the Gingrich remark was "the most racist statement I've ever seen."

Erakat, who has negotiated in talks with Israel and the United States, said the remarks show "how really despicable things can get" in American politics.

"Such thinking should be an alarm and concern for the world," Erakat said.
Gingrich made the comments in an interview that aired Friday with The Jewish Channel, a U.S. cable channel.
Apparently, in the minds of the Palestinian leadership, hating the Jews is not racist.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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