Saturday, December 10, 2011

Video: Rick Perry Draws another Blank, Gets a Lifeline

This is what we call compounding the problem. If Rick Perry hadn't had that 52 second blank spot in a debate, this probably wouldn't be newsworthy but he's developing a bit of a reputation here. The good news for him this time is that others around him knew who he was referring to when discussing Barack Obama's two 'activist' Supreme Court appointments, even if Perry could not remember the names. During the debate, no one knew what Perry had in mind so no one could help him. Mitt tried when he suggested the third agency Perry would cut was the EPA but that wasn't it.

This time, Perry was able to say 'Mantamayor,' which helped get him a lifeline.

Nonetheless, these types of faux pas will be magnified for Perry more than anyone else and he can't do this if he hopes to get back in the race.

h/t Hapblog

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