Thursday, December 8, 2011

Newt Pledges to Tap John Bolton as Secretary of State if Elected

For those who have serious concerns about a Gingrich nomination based on a past chock full of questionable decisions and actions, this could help alleviate a significant chunk of those concerns.

Via RCP:
Newt Gingrich told those gathered at a meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition in Washington on Wednesday that if elected president next year, he will tap former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton to be his secretary of state. 
"If you will accept it, I will ask John Bolton to be secretary of state," he said to cheers during his remarks in the Ronald Reagan Building.
If a Secretary of State John Bolton is indicative of the types of people Newt would appoint, I could start warming up to the idea of nominating him rather quickly.

Besides, anyone who can make a RINO like Sen. George Voinovich blubber in fear at the notion of his being nominated as the US Ambassador to the UN has got to be a winning choice.

Remember this from 2007?

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